#WeBuildWednesdays 41: The Benefits of Call Tracking w/ CallRail

The Benefits of Call Tracking

Mike: What’s going on, guys!  Happy Wednesday.

This is Mike. I’m here with Sam Bacon from CallRail.

Sam: Hey, guys!

Mike: Today, we are going to talk about the benefits of call tracking, so I brought Sam on. She’s a big expert on this topic. Sam, start us off! What are the benefits of call tracking?

Sam: Off the bat, call tracking is very important if your business has a phone number. Which is pretty much any business. What call tracking does is hone in on what exactly drives your phone calls.

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Learn What’s REALLY Driving Your Leads

Sam: Either you or your agency spends a lot of time in your marketing dollars and sends leads your way from different marketing campaigns. What call tracking does is completely alleviate the confusion as to where these calls come from, and why these calls are good leads or bad leads. It’s going to show you that, “hey, this call came from my billboard this month. This call came from my website…”

And then, it allows you guys or your marketers to go in and better allocate your marketing spend to those campaigns that are driving leads—not only that, but quality leads.

Mike: Yeah, that was a good start. One of the things I want to talk about (because this is one of the big reasons that we do call tracking here) is the integrations. So, for Google Analytics, Google Ads—all that kind of stuff, can you tell us some information on that as well?

Sam: Yes.

While we capture all of the lead attribution and campaigns, you are able to see this information on other platforms. Whether this may be Google ads or Google Analytics where you see the conversions, cost per lead, and keywords that are driving calls… We’re sending that information to that platform so you can look at it all in one spot, make those decisions, recalibrate, and go from there. We also have other really great integrations like Facebook—so, social media apps. You are able to see information within those conversions and platforms.

A lot of businesses will use marketing automation platforms, such as HubSpot and other popular platforms like that.

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Initiate Integration Triggers

Sam: You can have those calls come in and then create triggers that will send them an email or a call that says, “thank you for calling in,” or whatever that may be, triggering a drip campaign.

Mike: Yeah! From a marketer’s standpoint, one of the biggest things for us is counting those calls as conversions.

Sam: Correct.

Mike: Just being able to do that and then view it within Google ads is beneficial. For example, let’s say we’re using a bid strategy that’s centered around conversions. We can optimize around those phone calls coming in while tracking those calls at the same time.

Sam: Exactly. It’s great stuff.

And not every call is necessarily a conversion. What if it’s a mistake? What if they’re calling the wrong business? With call tracking, you can also do integration triggers. If my call is longer than 30 seconds, that’s generally a good call for us. Go ahead and send that as a conversion so that marketers can take that a step forward and decide exactly when and what information gets pushed, depending on your clientele’s business.

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Track Which Keywords Drive PPC Call Conversions

Mike: Yeah and like you’ve touched on, it goes into those individual keywords as well. You can tell if you’ve got keywords that are really driving those conversions versus keywords that aren’t.

Sam: Exactly. You could be running 20 campaigns, but underneath those campaigns, you’re bidding on thousands of keywords potentially. Those keywords can be expensive, so determining your negative keywords is just as beneficial as determining the great keywords driving quality leads.

Either way, it’s going to let you reposition and retarget exactly those quality leads you guys are looking for.

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Call Recording for Quality Assurance

Mike: Yeah, let’s talk about call recording a little bit too. Being able to look at the single keyword that drove that call and listen to that call, you can identify over time if that keyword is driving quality calls versus just calls in general, right?

Sam: Yes, exactly. Call tracking is great, but call recording is just as beneficial because it’s allowing you to understand the insights as to what’s happening during the phone call.

You can generate those leads but as soon as the phone call starts, how is the lead being handled? Was that a good call because of the campaign or because your front desk staff did a killer job? Call record allows you to go back, listen to those calls, do call coaching, understand if scripts are being said, what products are being called in from specific campaigns, etc.

All in all, you can understand what’s driving those phone calls within those conversations, make sure that your staff is understanding those phone calls, and target those conversations the right way to end it in a sale or whatever that may be for your business.

Mike: Yeah I can’t tell you how many clients of ours have run into situations where they find out their staff is not really answering the phone the way they’re expected to, or sometimes, not even answering the phone at all during business hours. They’re spending all of this money on PPC and things like that, but calls come in and they miss them.

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Track Duration & Number of Calls a Day 

Sam: Yeah, and that’s a basic thing that you can go in and check. Another basic thing captured is the duration of a phone call. Calls that are longer are obviously a better call. We also capture the time of day that the call is happening. What time of day are these campaigns driving phone calls? What time of day are you getting most of your phone calls? Do you have enough staff to ensure that you’re answering these quality leads?

Mike: And you know, this was something I wanted to touch on with integration (it slipped my mind). We can dump them right into the CRM app after that too.

Sam: Yes, exactly.

Mike: Hubspot for example. You’re notified that a call comes in, and then call tracking shoots the lead right into Hubspot. You’ve got your conversation tracked and everything…

Sam: Right there, and you can trigger a workflow after that. So yeah, exactly. You can do all of that information.

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Score, Tag, & Transcribe Calls 

Sam: Along with that, you can score calls as good or bad or tag a call as a specific product or service based on the call recording. There are services where you can do transcriptions of your call recordings. To take it a step further, you can say, “someone says the word ‘book appointment’, I want you to go ahead and mark that as a qualified lead.


Reverse Lookup Data 

Mike: Yeah. Even for people who want to use it on a very basic level, there are many benefits. People will probably listen to this and be like, “okay whoa, back up. This is a lot.” But I think for simple benefits, there’s a reverse lookup data where you can see the person’s name who called you. You can see their address and phone number. You can be like, “Oh yeah, that’s the guy that I talked to earlier today.”

Sam: Exactly. Call tracking providers like CallRail have it where when your phone rings, it shows you the tracking number that somebody’s calling from. It gives you a whisper message saying, “call from Facebook lead,” so you are prepped and ready to go. Those are some other really cool things that align with that.

Mike: Yeah, is there anything else we missed?

Sam: To backtrack on the basics.

Mike: Sure.

Sam: We can talk about Google Ads, Google Analytics, HubSpot—all of these. They seem like they can be a daunting thing. But just really understanding the volume of calls that are coming in through your campaigns—whether they’re good or bad leads—and having that call recording ensures that it’s a quality call… and that is just invaluable in itself.

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Phone Calls Are Underrated 

Sam: Most people think that phone calls are dead now and that’s not the case. We have the technology now. Everyone wants to do texting and chats. Nobody wants to pick up the phone anymore—

Mike: That’s me.

Sam:—But, we also like instant gratification, so picking up and having that phone call, getting the information that you want on the first call is super important. To think that people are not calling your business anymore—that’s not necessarily accurate. I wholeheartedly believe that call tracking is beneficial on any level, whether it’s very basic like your business card and email, all the way to crazy, multi-level marketing campaigns.

Mike: That’s a good idea. I never thought of the business card.

Sam: Oh yeah, you guys go to conferences, you put your phone number on conference material—all these different things. You don’t think about it, but it’s anywhere that you’re giving people contact information. If you’re curious about what’s actually driving the phone calls, put a tracking number on it.

Mike: Yeah, you got it. Awesome! Thank you so much for your time today. This was beneficial for me. I learned something. Hopefully, all the viewers did.

Sam: Yeah, awesome! Well, if you guys have any other questions, feel free to check out CallRail or call tracking in general online. There’s plenty of really great resources that I’m sure you guys can attest just how great call tracking can benefit a business.

Mike: Alright! Thank you, Sam.

Sam: Thank you.

Mike: Bye, everybody.

Sam: Bye, guys.

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